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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: coconut tree

kukunup pronunciación

I. N

1. food,plant coconut
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kukunup alptangi.
    Coconut drop down

2. plant coconut tree

Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kukunup panik yaapuni.
    The coconut grow sideways.



  • Etnográfica:
    Coconuts are a central part of Atlantic Coast cooking, and are a valuable cash crop which is hard to protect from thieves. Young green coconuts are great thirst quenchers. Mature coconuts are used to produce milk for cooking by pouring water on grated coconut and squeezing out the milk. The "trash" is then sometimes used to add texture and taste to fried baking soda-raised flour "tortillas," and to feed to chickens and pigs. Coconut oil is made to use to fry foods. Coconuts (and some oil) are sold in Bluefields or traded /sold to shrimp boats in Monkey Point. The husks and shells are not really used for anything. The Rama do not make copra to sell, but some have worked for other people who have copra businesses on Corn Island.
  • Gramatical:
    Reduplication. Class marker '-up' for roundish objects.